Who we are
At Gear re-Store we specialise in making your outdoor gear last longer and perform better. What does that mean? It means extending the life of your favourite outdoor gear, including waterproof/breathable jackets and pants, down products, sleeping bags, tents, and backpacks. We can do all the hard repairs with our team of expert seamstresses, our supply of matching fabrics and patches, and our wall of zippers of all styles and colours. In many cases, we will return your garment to “like new” condition.
In addition, we have developed a specialised durable water repellency (DWR) service where we can restore your garment’s DWR finish. We are delighted to count amongst our customers some of the premium ski resorts throughout North America, and we process about 30,000 units each year.
Gear re-Store has also developed an industry-leading, RFID-based technology platform for tracking gear from factory to retailer and beyond.
Premium repairs and restoration services with above average turnaround time. Industry-leading technology. Reducing impact on the planet by keeping good gear out of the landfill. That’s who we are.

What we do in a nutshell

Gear re-Store Supports Humanitarian Effort In Ukraine
January 30, 2023
Gear re-Store, in partnership with Vail Resorts, the U.S. State Department, Help Ukraine Centre USA, and NGO contacts in Ukraine, has sent off three pallets of winter clothing to Ukraine. Several volunteers from Gear re-Store and Vail Resorts gathered together at the Gear re-Store warehouse to sort through decommissioned Vail employee gear to determine suitability for donation. The end result is three pallets of insulated pants which will be directed toward people who are working hard to repair infrastructure. We hope to continue the program as long as necessary and for as long as we can collect items that will help the effort in Ukraine.
Big THANK YOU to all who participated.
Our Services
Technical Repairs
Repair your garments back to a factory finished look.
Gear Tracer
Track your progress with Gear Tracer technology.

“We selected Gear re-Store to perform all of our uniform tune-ups and repairs, including Vail Resorts and Resorts of the Canadian Rockies. Through great communication and reliable service, we now consider them our ‘go to’ technical outerwear servicing depot.”
Oliver Flaser – Category Managing Director, Helly Hansen North America
“We sent over 25,000 uniform pieces to Gear re-Store as part of our Spring Tune-Up program, and based on the quality of the work and the capability of the team, we intend on sending them more work next year.”
Jeffrey Babb – Senior Director Resort Operations, Vail Mountain Vail Resorts, Inc.
“I have found the team at Gear re-Store to be great to work with. The quality of their work is very high and they are able to think outside the box when it comes to all repairs. The turn-around time is also very fast, both of which are important for our relationships with our customers. I also appreciate the communication with the Gear re-Store team, specifically Jen who coordinates all activity. I have recommended Gear re-Store as a preferred service provider for all Peak Performance stores throughout Canada.”
Miranda Foord – Peak Performance Whistler
“Hi I wanted to give a big shoutout to the Team from Gear re-Store from Calgary for my jacket repair. They gave excellent service, communicating with me as to how they would repair the hole that had been caused by the zipper, explaining in detail how the repair would look, and asking for my approval before starting. I am most impressed with the results as only I know it has been repaired. They modified the size of the ribbon so that the zipper cannot catch the fabric of the placket again! They have made my jacket look new. I love this jacket and am so happy I can enjoy wearing it for years to come. Regards.”
Joanna – Gear re-Store customer